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The Conference will host Mini-Symposia (MS), Technical Sessions (TS), and Poster Sessions (PS).
The Conference is organized along 7 tracks (parallel sessions, either MS or TS); PS will be accommodated as an 8th parallel session during some of the morning TS.

Please pay attention to what follows:
– Mini-Symposia: the first session of each Mini-Symposium will start 5 minutes before any other Technical Session, to allow the Organizer(s) to introduce the aims and the contents of the MS, by using 2-3 introductory slides (if wished); for each oral presentation a time slot of 15 minutes (12 minutes for presenting and 3 minutes for discussion) will be assigned
– Technical Sessions: for each oral presentation a time slot of 15 minutes (12 minutes for presenting and 3 minutes for discussion) will be assigned
– Poster Sessions: for each poster, the possibility of a flash oral presentation (no slides, in front of his/her poster) will be assigned along organized poster sessions; each poster will have a time slot of 5 minutes (4 minutes for the flash presentation and 1 minute for discussion). All posters (A0 size, 841 x 1189 mm, vertically arranged) have to be prepared and printed according to the downloadable template.

Posters can be hanged either on Sunday, August 27th from 17:30 to 19:30 or on Monday, August 28th from 08:00 and removed within 18:00 of Thursday, August 31st.
Poster board will be marked with the number of poster session + abstract number following the programme order (P01 – abs number). The poster will remain exhibited throughout the Conference duration.

Please be aware that the schedule is of critical importance for the success of the Conference, allowing participants to move from one parallel session to some other one. Very strict instructions will be given to the Chairpersons who will be strictly respecting the time allowed for presentation and discussion.

General Programme updated to August 24th, 2023

This is the general programme with all information about the congress which has not been printed. In the conference bag a printed pocket programme will be available.

Conference Structure updated to August 24th, 2023

Programme updated to August 30th, 2023

Poster Programme updated to August 30th, 2023